Temperature: 14.8 C
Wind Chill: 14.8 C
Heat Index: 14.8 C
Apparent Temp: 13.0 C
Dewpoint: 6.6 C
Humidity: 58 %
Barometer: 734.5  mb +
Wind: SSW  at   5.3  km/h
High Wind: 18.2 km/h at 02:11
Recent Avg Wind: 4.7 km/h
Recent Beaufort Scale: Light Air
Today's Rain: 0.00  mm
Rain Rate: 0.00  mm/h
High Rain Rate: 0.00 mm/h at -----
Storm Total: 17.65  mm
Monthly Rain: 122.68  mm
Yearly Rain (JUN): 160.25  mm
UV: 0.0
ET: 0.000  mm
Solar Radiation: 0 watts/m^2
Air Density: 0.884  kg/m^3
Est. Cumulus Base: 1024  m
High Temperature: 17.7 C at 00:11
Low Temperature: 14.7 C at 02:36
High Heat Index: 17.7 C at 00:11
Low Wind Chill: 14.7 C at 02:36
High Humidity: 78 % at 00:00
Low Humidity: 58 % at 02:51
High Dewpoint: 13.5 C at 00:00
Low Dewpoint: 6.5 C at 02:51
High Barometer: 734.8 mb at 00:00
Low Barometer: 734.2 mb at 01:16
Heater Temp: -9.5 C
Supply Voltage: 14.1 Volts
Condensation Sensor : See Below
Event Counter:
Last activation:

San_Pedro_Martir,B.C,Mexico Weather
31.1 N - 115.5 W - <2800 m
07/27/24 03:15:10
Local Time : 2024/07/26 20:15 PDT(-0700)
SUN   State: Nautical Dusk Twilight
  Rise Time UTC (Local)   Setting Time UTC (Local)
Rise: 2024/7/27 13:00:30
( 2024/07/27 06:00:29 )
Setting: 2024/7/28 02:35:54
( 2024/07/27 19:35:54 )
Civil Rise: 2024/7/27 12:29:43
( 2024/07/27 05:29:43 )
Civil Setting: 2024/7/28 03:06:37
( 2024/07/27 20:06:36 )
Nautilcal Rise: 2024/7/27 11:57:44
( 2024/07/27 04:57:44 )
Nautilcal Setting: 2024/7/27 03:39:19
( 2024/07/26 20:39:18 )
Astronomical Rise: 2024/7/27 11:24:00
( 2024/07/27 04:23:59 )
Astronomical Setting: 2024/7/27 04:13:03
( 2024/07/26 21:13:03 )
MOON   Phase: 61.3 % Full
Moon Coords:   AR=1:20:37.99 DEC=8:54:26.2
Next Full Moon: 2024/8/19 18:25:42
( 2024/08/19 11:25:41 )
Next New Moon: 2024/8/4 11:12:57
( 2024/08/04 04:12:56 )
Moon Coords:   Azimuth=49:06:36.5 Altitude=-35:40:32.7

Climatological Summaries: 
Browse Archive Records: 

0 years, 1 months, 2 days, 20 hours, 52 minutes, 46 seconds wview 5.21.7 WXT510

Observatorio Astronomico Nacional

By E. Colorado San Pedro Martir, B.C Mexico OAN-UNAM

NIST certificate Descripcion de los Parametros Meteorologicos! Log File (Public !)


WebCam OAN


Place: Description: Link: Notes:
OAN SPM San Pedro Martir, OAN Using OAN-SPM Server.

Best if use only at the mountain to preserve bandwidith.

OAN SPM San Pedro Martir, OAN http://tango.astrosen.unam.mx/weather15/ Using IA-Ensenada Server (Mirror).
 Ensenada, Mexico UNAM-IA Ensenada, Baja, Mexico http://tango.astrosen.unam.mx/clima/ Other Weather Station
Tonantzintla, Puebla Tonantzintla,Puebla, OAN http://tango.astrosen.unam.mx/tona/ Weather Station Mirror (Not always on)